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Fatima Hajji


01.02 - Glitch Club, Malta

07.02 - Blitz, Munich - Germany

08.02 - Decibel, Firenze - Italy

15.02 - E1, London - UK

22.02 - Bataplan, San Sebastian - Spain

28.02 - Sköll Winter Festival, Caen - France

01.03 - Gotec, Karlsruhe - Germany

08.03 - Snowdaze, La Pinilla - Spain

22.03 - Wake Up!, Alicante - Spain 

28.03 - Stereo Live, Dallas - USA

29.03 - Stereo Live, Houston - USA

11/13.04 - Caprices Festival, Crans Montana - Switzerland

18/19.04 - DURO Festival B2b Alignment, Barcelona - Spain

30.04 - Mayday Festival, Dortmund - Germany

24.04 - Verknipt, Sydney - Australia

25.04 - Verknipt, Melbourne - Australia

7/8.06 - Free Your Mind Festival, Arnhem - Netherlands

20/21.06 - A Summer Story Festival, Madrid - Spain

11/12/13.06 - Awakenings Festival, Hilvarenbeek - Netherlands

20.07 - Parookaville Festival, Weeze - Germany

6/11.08 - Sziget, Budapest - Hungary

7/11.08 - Medusa Festival, Valencia - Spain

14/16.08 - Aquasella Festival, Asturias - Spain

17/21.08 - Sonus Festival, Pag Island - Croatia

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